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"Pages from an Editor’s Sketch Book," by August Spies [January 1887]  Chapter-length excerpt from the little known memoir of August Spies, one of five revolutionary socialist leaders judicially murdered in the aftermath of an 1886 bombing at Haymarket Square in Chicago. The German-born Spies (name pronounced "SPEES") was editor of the Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung,and a member of the so-called "anarchist" left wing of the Socialist Labor Party. The bulk of this document deals with Spies' visit to an Ohio coal mining strike in 1884 and is an excellent primary source in the social history of the 19th Century American labor movement. Spies recounts his speech to striking miners and declares: "it was not socialism that inflamed these men, for when I spoke of socialism to them, they became quiet and calm and interested; it was the words of the capitalist, their master -- it was the teaching of capitalism that incited them almost to madness! Socialism has nothing in it that incites to violence and bloodshed; these qualities are only peculiar to the doctrines of capitalism, doctrines based upon and maintained by force."

APRIL 1887

"Labor and Work," by Adolf Douai [April 23, 1887] A rare English language article by Marxist pioneer Dr. Adolf Douai of Texas, best remembered as the father of the kindergarten movement in America. Douai attempts a distinction between "labor," a commodity corresponding to the capitalist process, with "work," voluntary activity for oneself and for the benefit of society. Every people around the globe dislikes the former -- the performance of labor for others -- but "likes" self-employment and "voluntary activity for useful and necessary purposes," Douai asserts. So-called "wage labor" is equally "against human nature" as was slave labor before it, the change in form initiated merely to boost the productivity of labor for the benefit of the ruling class, according to Douai. Douai hails the day "in the near future" when wage labor will be abolished and human beings will no longer be subjected to "labor of the most uniform, mind-killing, disgusting, and brutalizing kind" as slaves to the machine.

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