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"Force! The Only Defense Against Injustice and Oppression," by C.S. Griffin [Jan. 13, 1885]  Leading Chicago English-language anarchist spokesman C.S. Griffin offers this short defense of the use of violence in the social revolution.  Griffin proclaims the "vigorous use of dynamite" to be both "humane and economical." "It is clearly more humane to blow ten men into eternity than to make ten men starve to death," Griffin declares, adding that "When ten men unite to starve one man to death, then it is humane and just to blow up the whole ten men." Griffin asserts that "A system that is starving and freezing tens of thousands of little children, right in the midst of a world of plenty, cannot be defended against dynamiters on the ground of humanity." He adds that "If every child that starves to death in the United States was retaliated for by the execution of a rich man in his own parlor, the brutal system of wage-property would not last six weeks." "The privileged class use force to perpetuate their power, and the despoiled workers must use force to prevent it," Griffin says.


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