The early Socialist Party of America began its existence extremely reticent to publish either an official organ or a particularly great quantity of centrally-produced literature. To a great extent, this was a by-product from the centralized Socialist Labor Party from which it in some measure emerged, which was perceived as authoritarian. Rather than a centralized organization, the early SP should instead be conceived of as being a federation of largely autonomous state organizations.
The primary publisher of Marxist literature during the "Debsian period" was Charles H. Kerr & Co. of Chicago. A comprehensive bibiliography of Kerr publications may be viewed by clicking here. Other primary producers of Socialist Party documents was the Socialistic Cooperative Publishing Association (see their 1901 list of material available), the Appeal to Reason (which did an enormous mailorder business and published a number of series of pamphlets in the guise of magazines), and -- somewhat later -- the Rand School of Social Science of New York.
Literally hundreds of national, state, and local newspapers and magazines were privately produced during this period, the most important of which being The Appeal to Reason (Greenburg, IN before moving to Girard, KS), The Social Democratic Herald (Chicago, IL before moving to Milwaukee, WI), the Chicago Daily Socialist, the New York Call, and the Milwaukee Leader. During the 1910s, the party itself published a paper known as the American Socialist. This publication was shut down by government censorship during World War I and was eventually succeeded in 1919 by The Socialist World, which briefly became The American Appeal in the middle 1920s.
The most important magazines of this period were Charles H. Kerr & Co.'s The International Socialist Review (1900-1918), Wilshire's Magazine (1901-1915), The Comrade [New York] (1901-1905), and The American Socialist Quarterly (1930s).
The Socialist Party did produce pamphlets and leaflets of its own as well. A partial list follows:
Books and Pamphlets
1904 Convention Report. -- hc and paper -- 1,917 printed
Annual Report. -- pam -- 3,000 printed
Barkowsky, J.: Poverty: Its Cause and Cure. -- [POLISH] 32 pp. -- 15,000 printed
Debs, Eugene V.: The American Movement. -- 32 pp. -- 1,300 printed {Kerr title???
Debs, Eugene V.: Reply to John Mitchell. -- 900 sold by SP [Standard Publishing Co. title]
Debs, Eugene V.: The Socialist Party and the Working Class. -- 32 pp. -- 50,000 printed
Debs, Eugene V.: Unionism and Socialism: A Plea for Both. -- 48 pp. -- 15,150 printed
Debs, Eugene V. and Hanford, Ben: Speeches of Acceptance. -- 20,000 printed
Feigenbaum, Benjamin: Workingmen, Next! -- [YIDDISH] 48 pp. -- 15,000 printed
Hanford, Ben: The Labor War in Colorado. -- 48 pp. -- 6,900 printed
Hanford, Ben: What Workingmen's Votes Can Do. -- 16 pp. -- 15,000 printed
How to Conduct a Socialist Local or Branch. -- 8 pp.
Herron, George D.: The Day of Judgment. -- 30 pp.
National Constitution of the Socialist Party. -- 8 pp. -- 20,000 printed
Pergler, Charles: Down With Capitalism. -- [CZECH] 24 pp. -- 15,000 printed
Report to International Congress. -- pam -- 3,000 printed [parallel English/French/German text, distributed to delegates to the 1904 Conference of the International.]
1. "Socialist Methods." -- 4 pp. -- 10,000 printed
2. "How to Organize Socialist Locals." -- 4 pp. -- 20,000 printed
3. "Why Socialists Pay Dues." -- 4 pp. -- 40,000 printed
4. "How to Arrange Socialist Meetings." -- 4 pp. -- 10,000 printed
5. Debs, Eugene V.: "The Mission of the Socialist Party." -- 4 pp.
a. English -- 513,000 printed
b. German -- NON-ENGLISH TOTAL: 222,000 printed
c. French
d. Italian
e. Czech ("Bohemian")
f. Polish
g. Norwegian
i. Finnish
j. Slovenian
6. Simons, A.M.: "Which Party Should Workingmen Support?" -- 4 pp.
a. English -- 500,000 printed
b. German -- NON-ENGLISH TOTAL: 222,000 printed
c. French
d. Italian
e. Czech ("Bohemian")
f. Polish
g. Norwegian
i. Finnish
j. Slovenian
7. "The National Platform." -- 4 pp.
a. English -- 605,000 printed
b. German -- NON-ENGLISH TOTAL: 210,000 printed
c. French
d. Italian
e. Czech ("Bohemian")
f. Polish
g. Norwegian
i. Finnish
j. Slovenian
7. "Do You Know Waht Socialism Is?" -- 4 pp. -- 500,000 printed
8. "Who is Responsible for Anarchy in Colorado?" -- 270,000 printed
9. "Eye Openers." -- 1,000,000 printed
9. "Negro Resolution." -- 3,000 printed
Books and Pamphlets
1912 Campaign Book.
Books and Pamphlets
Benson, Allan: The Bombshell that Henry Ford Fired. -- 500,000 & 600,000 printings (16 pp.)
Benson, Allan: Socialism: The Lone Foe of War. -- (16 pp.)
Benson, Allan: War Against War!! A chapter from book The Truth About Socialism.
Hillquit-Gompers Debate. -- (250 pp., 25 cent cover price)
Hoan, Daniel W.: The Failure of Regulation.
Hunter, Robert: The "Gunmen" of Industry. -- 100,000 printed (16 pp.)
Kirkpatrick, George R.: War -- What For? -- may not be publication by Nat. Office
Korngold, Ralph: Are There Classes in America?
Lamszus, Wilhelm: The Human Slaughter House. -- may not be publication by Nat. Office
Mills, Ethelwyn: The Legislative Program of the Socialist Party.
Russell, Charles E.: Why I Am a Socialist. -- may not be publication by Nat. Office
Simons, A.M.: Wasting Human Life.
Thompson, Carl D.: Pubic Ownership of Railways.
White, Bouck: The Carpenter and the Rich Man. -- may not be publication by Nat. Office
Work, John M.: Where You Get Off.
The American Cossack. -- may not be publication by Nat. Office
How to Become Naturalized/Kuinka voi Päästä Kansalaiseksi. -- bilingal pamphlet issued jointly by the National Office with the Finnish Socialist Federation.
1914 Campaign Book. -- (350 pp., 50 cents cover price)
Leaflets (mostly 4 pp. -- sold for 20¢/100 prepaid or $1/1000 in lots of 5,000, fob Chicago)
These are all published by the National Office, Socialist Party.
Berger, Victor L.: "Madam, How Will You Feed Your Family."
Debs, Eugene V.: "Children of the Poor."
Debs, Eugene V.: "Woman, Comrade and Equal."
Engdahl, J. Louis: "Trade Unions and the Social Crisis."
Hoan, Daniel W.: "Regulation: A Failure and a Fraud."
Kirkpatrick, George R.: "The Socialists and the Sword."
Lewis, Lena Morrow: "The Socialist Party and Woman Suffrage."
Lowe: "Wage-Earning Women and the Ballot."
Malkiel, Theresa: "To the Union Man's Wife."
Malkiel, Theresa: "To the Working Woman."
Malkiel, Theresa: "Why You Should Be a Socialist."
McNabb, Rev. Vincent: "Prominent Catholic Priest Defends Socialism."
O'Hare, Kate Richards: "Wimmin Ain't Got No Kick."
Phillips: "Woman's Need of the Ballot."
Ricker, Allan W.: "The Most Frequent Objections to Socialism."
Russell, Charles E.: "Join the Party."
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: "Elizabeth Cady Stanton on Socialism."
Stern: "To Wives of Toilers."
Stern: "Votes for Working Women."
Thomas: "Women, What Will You Do with Your Ballot?"
Thompson, Carl D.: "Are Socialists Practical?"
Thompson, Carl D.: "Have the Socialists Made Good?"
Thompson, Carl D.: "Municipal Ownership."
Thompson, Carl D.: "Municipal Program."
Thompson, Carl D.: "What Congress Ought to Do."
Thompson, Carl D.: "What Is Socialism?"
Thompson, Carl D.: "Why Catholic Workingmen Should Be Socialists."
Warren, Fred D.: "Boytown Railroad."
Work, John M.: "Private Property."
Willard, Frances E.: "Frances E. Willard on Socialism."
Woodbey, G.W.: "Why the Negro Should Be a Socialist."
"Starve the War -- Feed America." (War Leaflet No. 1 -- 2 pp.)
"How the Socialists Would Meet the War Crisis." (War Leaflet No. 2 -- 2 pp.).
"Catholic Defense of Socialism."
"Socialist Party Platform."
"Socialist Songs."
"Why Socialists Pay Dues."
Listed for sale from the SPA National Office in The American Socialist, Jan. 30, 1915, pg. 2.
Most of these titles were not published by the SPA.
Books and Pamphlets
Ameringer, Oscar: Life and Deeds of Uncle Sam: A Little History for Big Children. [Milwaukee: Political Action Co., 1912]
Ameringer, Oscar: Socialism for the Farmer.
Ameringer, Oscar: Socialism: What It Is and How to Get It. [Milwaukee: Political Action Co., 1911]
Benson, Allan S.: The Usurped Power of the Courts: Reprinted from the August, September, October, November, and December Issues of Pearson's Magazine for 1911. [Chicago: SP National Office, n.d. (1912)]
Bohn, Frank & Haywood Bill: Industrial Socalism. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 1911].
Bohn, Frank & McGrady, Thomas: The Catholic Church and Socialism. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, n.d. (1912)]
Brewer: Rights of the Masses.
Caldwell: Our Mental Enslavement.
Casson, Thomas J. & Carey, James F.: The Menace of Socialism: An Address Delivered by Rev. Thomas I. Gasson, S.J., President, Boston College, in Ford Hall, Boston, Feb. 5, 1911; A Reply by James F. Carey, Secretary, Socialist Party Clubs of Mass. in Faneuil Hall, Feb. 27, 1911. [Boston: Boston Socialist Party Clubs, 1911]
Connelly, James: Socialism Made Easy. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, n.d.]
Darrow, Clarence: Crime and Criminals.
Debs, Eugene V.: Unionism and Socialism. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Eastwood, Frank M.: The Question Box: Answers to Questions About Socialism, Together With the Official Declaration of Principles of the Socialist Party. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Fisher: Evolution and Revolution.
Gaylord: Unemployment.
Ghent, W.J.: To Skeptics and Doubters.
Greer: Social Evil and Its Remedy.
Hillquit, Morris: Socialism Summed Up. [New York: H.K. Fly Co., 1912]
Hunter, Robert: Should Socialism Be Crushed?
Kaneko: Woman's Slavery.
Kautsky, Karl: The Road to Power.
Korngold, Ralph: Are There Classes in America? [Chicago: Socialist Party, 1914]
Korngold, Ralph: Brain Jolters.
Lafargue, Paul: The Right to Be Lazy. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Liebknecht, Wilhelm: No Compromise, No Political Trading. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Liebknecht, Wilhelm: Socialism: What It Is and Seeks to Accomplish.
London, Jack: Revolution.
Marcy, Mary: Shop Talks on Economics. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co.]
Marx, Karl: Value, Price and Profit.
Marx, Karl & Engels, Frederick: The Communist Manifesto.
Nelson: Nature Talks on Economics.
O'Hare: Common Sense and the Liquor Traffic.
Oneal, James: Sabotage, or, Socialism vs. Syndicalism. [St. Louis: National Rip-Saw, 1912]
Phifer: Pop Weasel.
Richardson, N.A.: Introduction to Socialism. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Ricker, Allan W.: Free Love and Socialism.
Ricker, Allan W.: Political Economy of Jesus.
Ries, W.F.: Heads and Hands. [Toledo, OH: W.F. Ries, n.d.]
Ries, W.F.: Lions and Lambs. [Toledo, OH: W.F. Ries, n.d.]
Ries, W.F.: Men and Mules. [Toledo, OH: W.F. Ries, n.d. (c. 1908)]
Ries, W.F.: Monkeys and Monkeyettes. [Toledo, OH: W.F. Ries, n.d.]
Ries, W.F.: Quiz and Tiz. [Toledo, OH: W.F. Ries, n.d.]
Ries, W.F.: Roosevelt Exposes Socialism. [Toledo, OH: W.F. Ries, n.d. (c. 1910)]
Russell, Charles Edward: Gouged, or, The National Crisis. [Newark, NJ: Clarion Pub. Co., n.d. (c. 1910)]
Saniel, Lucien: General Bakruptcy or Socialism.
Simons, A.M.: Wasting Human Life. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Spargo, John: The Socialists: Who They Are and What They Stand For. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Spiess & Goldstein: Report of the Spiess-Goldstein Debate: Municipal Auditorium, Springfield, Mass., Sunday, December 28, 1913. [Springfield, MA: Socialist Party Club, n.d. (1914)]
Stern: Woman of the Future.
Thompson, Carl D.: Christian Elements in the Socalist Movement.
Thompson, Carl D.: Pubic Ownership of Railways. [Chicago: SP National Office, n.d. (c. 1913)]
Tilton: The Red Book: Socialism Success. [Reading, PA: Socialist Party of Pennsylvania, 1913]
Vail, Charles H.: The Socialist Movement. [Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., n.d.]
Wilson: Vocational Education.
Work, John M.: Where You Get Off. [Chicago: Socialist Party, n.d. (c. 1914)]
Wright: The Farmer.
Labor Measures of Social Democrats.
National Socialist Handboon No. 1.
National Socialist Handbook No. 2.
New 1915 Leaflets (4 pp. -- sold for $1.60/1000 prepaid or $1/1000 in lots of 5,000, fob Chicago)
(The leaftlets in the "1914" list above remained available as well.)
Bellamy, Edward: "The Parable of the Water-Tank." -- "Published for first time in leaflet form."
Thompson, Carl D.: "The Rising Tide of Socialism." -- "Revised and Brought Up-to-Date."
"The Digger in the Earth." -- farmers' leaflet.
New 1918 Leaflet
Debs, Eugene V.: "The Indictment of Our Leaders." -- 2 pp., Organizational Leaflets No. 16. Debs denunciation of the indictment of the 5 Socialist Party leaders.
Publications available from the SPA's Literature Department During the Period 1919-1921. Books and Pamphlets
100 Years -- For What? [Trial of the 5 Chicago Socialists] -- (pamphlet: 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $6.00 per 100).
1920 Campaign Book. -- paper (60 cents) <-- Two Editions of 2,000 each.
American Labor Year Book [volume not specified]. -- (cloth: 60 cents). * published by Rand School of Social Science.
Ameringer, Oscar: Socialism: What It Is and How to Get It. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents).
Angell, Norman: Why Freedom Matters. -- (pamphlet: 15 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $8.00 per 100).
Constitution of the First Socialist Republic. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $2.50 per hundred).
Debs, Eugene V.: Debs' Address to the Jury. -- (pamphlet: 5 cents).
The Debs Case (Complete History). -- (trade paperback: 35 cents; $3.50 per dozen; $26.00 per hundred).
Engdahl, J. Louis: Debs and O'Hare in Prison. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $6.00 per 100).
Engels, Frederick: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific. -- (trade paperback: 15 cents).
Hillquit, Morris and Gompers, Samuel: The Double Edge of Labor's Sword: Gompers-Hillquit Debate. (trade paperback: 25 cents).
Hillquit, Morris: History of Socialism in the United States. -- (cloth: $1.75). * published by Macmillan.
Hunter, Robert: Labor in Politics. -- (trade paperback: 25 cents).
Kautsky, Karl: The Class Struggle. (25 cents).
Kussy: The Abyss. -- (cloth: $1.50).
Litvinoff, Maxim: The Bolshevik Revolution: Its Rise and Meaning. -- (trade paperback: 25 cents).
Manifesto of the Communist International (Moscow) -- (pamphlet: 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $6.00 per hundred).
Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick: The Communist Manifesto. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $7.00 per hundred; cloth: 50 cents).
Mills, Walter Thomas: The Struggle for Existence. -- (cloth: $1.00). * published by International School of Social Economy.
Nearing, Scott: A Nation Divided, or, Plutocracy versus Democracy. -- 32 pp., (10 cents; $7 per 100). <--Two editions of 10,000 each.
Nearing, Scott: The New Slavery. -- (15 cents; $10 per 100). <--Two editions of 10,000 each.
Old Red Flag. -- (pamphlet: 5 cents).
Reed, John: Ten Days That Shook the World. -- (cloth: $2.00). * published by Boni & Liveright.
The Salaried Man. -- paper (10 cents) <-- published by Rand School Press, Edition of 5,000.
Tucker, Irwin St. John: The New Slavery. -- paper (15 cents) <--Two editions:10,000 and 20,000,
Williams, Rhys: The Soviets: 76 Questions and Answers. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $6.00 per hundred). * published by Charles H. Kerr & Co.
Williams, Rhys: Soviet Russia. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents). * published by Charles H. Kerr & Co.
Work, John: What's So and What Isn't. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents).
Work, John: Why Things Happen to Happen. -- (pamphlet: 10 cents).
Young, Art: The Campaign Primer. -- pamphlet (15 cents) <-- Edition of 25,000.
(There were 15 different 4 Page leaflets for 1920 Election campaign) <-- Total of 4,250,000 printed
1. National Party Platform, 1920.
2. Declaration of Principles.
3. 100% Americanism.
4. Debs: Voice of Labor.
5. Imperialism.
6. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
7. Politics and Prices.
8. Profiteering.
9. Socialism.
(4 page leaflets)
1. National Platform.
2. Declaration of Principles.
3. Don't Be a Tomato.
4. Is Unemployment Necessary?
5. Is the Open Shop American?
6. What Did Debs Say?
7. Millions of Men Idle.
8. Out of a Job.
9. Politics and Prices. (same as 1920 version, presumably)
(There were also 7 different 2 Page leaflets for Fall 1921 Election campaign)
1. Congress Has Power to Declare Amnesty.
2. The Crying Need of the Day.
3. The Free American Workingman and His Sacred Right to Work.
4. What Will You Workers Do Now?
5. Why Amnesty?
6. Why is There Unemployment?
7. Work or Fight.
Levinson, Edward (ed.): A Plan for America: Official 1932 Campaign Book of the Socialist Party. -- 127 pp.
---------: 1933 Socialist Municipal Platform: For Mayor, Charles Solomon; For Comptroller Harry W. Laidler; For President Board of Aldermen Frank R. Crosswaith. -- 16 pp. Published by NY Socialist Party.
Kelso, Harold: Build for Socialism: A Manual on Organization. -- 29 pp.