Delegates to the 1919 Emergency Convention of the Socialist Party of America Convention was held August 30 - September 5, 1919 at Chicago, IL
Fannie Crowell -- went home prior to the Sept. 2 roll call
W.K. Tennyson
Max Bedacht -- seated after challenge, refused seat and left convention
James Dolsen -- seated after challenge, refused seat and left convention
Irene Smith -- seated after challenge, refused seat and left convention
H. Interman
Fred Underhill
Harry L. Edlin
John P. McCarthy
Martin F. Plunkett [member of Resolutions Committee]
Charles T. Peach [on 5 member committee investigating allegation that state delegations were "padded"] -- went home prior to the Sept. 2 roll call
Beatrice M. Sedgwick -- left convention
District of Columbia
Mrs. E.S. Cohen
Henry Askeli
Dr. O.J. Brown -- left convention
N. Juel Christensen -- left convention
J. Louis Engdahl [member of Resolutions Committee]
L.K. England -- left convention
Adolph Germer
W.G. Hammond
Robert Howe
Charles Krumbein -- left convention
William F. Kruse
Andrew Lafin
William Lugge -- left convention
O. Alfred Olson -- left convention
Edgar Owens -- left convention
Karl F. M. Sandberg -- left convention
Perry H. Shipman
Dan Slinger -- never attended
Seymour Stedman [member of Resolutions Committee]
Willaim Stoffels -- never attended
F.W. Wenschoff
Oliver C. Wilson
George A. Cameron -- left convention
Ross D. Brown
Morris Friedman -- left convention
William H. Henry [member of Resolutions Committee]
Lilith Martin
Joseph Zimmerman -- left convention
C.A. Morrow -- went home prior to the Sept. 2 roll call
George J. Peck
Ida A. Beloof [member of Committee on Constitution]
Gertrude Harman -- left convention
Emil Von Allman -- left convention
E.B. Austin, Jr. -- left convention
William W. Ayer -- never attended
Frederick Haller
Samuel M. Neistadt [member of Resolutions Committee]
Victor Annalla
Joseph Bearak
Abraham Boxer
Jacob Goldberg
Peter Kastoff (Springfield)
George Makela
Louis Marcus
George E. Roewer, Jr. [member of Resolutions Committee]
Harry S. Victerson
Lewis Victor
Nestor Anderson -- never attended
T.H. Coxe -- never attended
I. Finkelstein
Lazarus Davidow
Henry Lipscone
A. Rubenstein [on 5 member committee investigating allegation that state delegations were "padded"]
C.G. Taylor
William Brandt (St. Louis) [member of Committee on Constitution]
G.A. Hoehn (St. Louis) [member of Resolutions Committee]
Jacob Kasener
Caleb Lipscomb (Alternate) [assumed E.J. Wilcox's vacant position the morning of Sept. 2]
E.J. Wilcox -- attended first 2 days, briefly attended Left Wing gathering and was barred return by the MO delegation, then went home. Replaced by Alternate Lipscomb on Sept. 2.
A.H. Floaten
C.C. Mickey
J.E. Rutledge -- left convention
New Hampshire
Francis T. Butler
Fred B. Chase
New Jersey
Valentine Bausch (Jersey City)
Steven Bircher (Newark) -- left convention, apparently went home, on Sept. 1
Fred Harwood (Newark) -- challenged, rejected, reconsidered, wound up going home after Sept. 1
Milo C. Jones (Newark) [member of Committee on Constitution]
Frederick Krafft (Ridgefield)
Henry Petzilt -- left convention
Patrick L. Quinlan (Jersey City)
Rose Weiss (Newark) [on 5 member committee investigating allegation that state delegations were "padded"]
Louis F. Wolff -- left convention
New York
James Battistoni (Buffalo) [alternate, sat in seat of Joesph Collumb]
Abraham Beckerman (New York City) [on 5 member committee investigating allegation that state delegations were "padded"]
David P. Berenberg (Brooklyn) [member of Resolutions Committee]
S. John Block (New York City) [member of Resolutions Committee]
A.C. Breckenridge (Binghampton)
Alexander Braunstein
August Claessens (New York City)
Walter M. Cook (Bronx Co.)
J.W. Dennis (Rochester)
Max Gelsler (Bronx Co.)
Julius Gerber (New York City) [member of Committee on Constitution]
Benjamin Glassberg (Brooklyn)
Wilho Hedman (New York City)
William Karlin (New York City)
William Kohler (Astoria, Queens Co.)
Algernon Lee (New York City) [member of Resolutions Committee]
Max Lulow
Bertha H. Mailly (New York City)
Theresa Malkiel (New York City)
Charles W. Noonan (Schenectady) [member of Committee on Constitution]
James Oneal (Brooklyn)
Samuel Orr (Bronx Co.)
Jacob Panken (New York City) [member of Resolutions Committee]
Dr. Wilhelmus B. Robinson (Brooklyn)
Charles H. Roth (Buffalo)
Jacob B. Salutsky (Bronx Co.)
Fred Sanders (Syracuse)
James C. Sheahan (Albany)
Abraham I. Shiplacoff (Brooklyn)
Charles Solomon (Brooklyn)
Usher Solomon (New York City)
Alexander Trachtenberg [alternate, sat in Matilda Lee's seat]
Louis Waldman (New York City)
Hezekiah D. Wilcox (Elmira)
Eugene Wood (Northport, Suffolk Co.) [chairman of Press Committee]
J.E. Bartos
E.L. Moore [member of Resolutions Committee]
Patrick S. Nagel
M. Shadid [member of Committee on Constitution]
Clara Smith
Olive Stauber
Lauri Moilanen
Victor Saulit -- left convention
H. Tolbert -- left convention
H.S. Warren -- left convention
J. Aeurbach
Cora M. Bixler
Joseph E. Cohen [member of Resolutions Committee]
Oliver G. Crawford
James Downs
William Euler
Edward W. Haydon
John G. Means
----------- Peck
Henry W. Schlegel
Charles Sehl
Charles Selleman
J. Henry Stumpf
David Siegel (Jewish Federation Organizer, Pittsburgh) [alternate for William Van Essen, who went home. Seated morning of Sept. 2]
William J. Van Essen) -- went home prior to the Sept. 2 session, replaced by Alternate Siegel
Burch Wilson [ on 5 member committee investigating allegation that state delegations were "padded"; member of Committee on Constitution]
William J. Wright
Elmer H. Young
Rhode Island
Joseph Coldwell -- left convention
E. Horaceck
James B, Reid -- left convention
---------- Brown [Arrived late and was seated the evening of Sept. 1 as State Secretary of a state with less than 150 members.]
D.H. Lauderdale
E.F. Hyde -- left convention
R.E. Richardson -- left convention
West Virginia
J.H. Snider
Oscar Ameringer (Milwaukee)
Victor L. Berger (Milwaukee) [member of Resolutions Committee]
William Coleman
K.L. DeSombre
John Doerfler, Jr. [member of Committee on Constitution]
Martin Georgensen -- did not attend
Daniel W. Hoan (Milwaukee) [member of Resolutions Committee]
John P. Jensen
Herman F. Marth
Medmund T. Melms
John H. Sims
D.A. Hastings -- did not attend
National Executive Commititee members
George Goebel (Newark, NJ)
Minnesota -- consultative status only, no vote
Samuel Friedman
Andrew Hanson
George Hoffman
H.L. Kammerman
Thomas E. Latimer -- went home
Charles S. Wells
Foreign-Speaking Organizations
Y.H. Halonen (Finnish Federation)
N.F. Holm (Scandinavian Federation) -- left convention
Charles Kolarik (Bohemian [Czech] Federation)
Charles Korenich (Slovak Federation)
John LaDuca (Italian Federation)
Ludwig Lore (German Federation) -- left convention
J. Mill (Jewish Federation)
source: The World [Oakland, CA], whole no. 703 (Sept. 12, 1919) pg. 1, with additions of Coldwell and Goebel based on Taylor's memoir account of the proceedings.