Delegates to the 1917 Convention of the Socialist Party of America Convention was held April 7-14, 1917, at St. Louis, MO. 200 voting delegates were authorized by the terms of the convention call for this gathering. The following list of delegates (slightly less than 200) along with their city of residence, nation of birth, and occupation appears in the Duke University collection of papers of the SPA. Some 41 states and the District of Columbia were represented, along with fraternal delegates from 8 foreign language federations and the YPSL.
J.R. Barnett --- Chandler --- America --- farmer
Cory Davenport --- Miami --- America --- carpenter
Clay Fulks --- Searcy --- America --- teacher
Dan Hogan --- Huntington --- America --- lawyer & editor * on War & Militarism Committee
Job Harriman --- Los Angeles --- America --- lawyer * on War & Militarism Committee
Cameron H. King --- San Francisco --- America --- clerk * On Platform Committee
Harry McKee --- Fresno --- America --- lawyer
Walter Thomas Mills --- Berkeley --- America --- teacher
T.W. Williams --- Los Angeles --- America --- State Secretary SPA * on Constitution Committee
W.P. Collins --- Boulder --- America --- apiarian
Jennie McGehe --- Denver --- America --- State Secretary SPA * On Organization Committee
Martin F. Plunkett --- Wallingford --- America --- State Secretary SPA
P.H. Shea --- New Britain --- "Irish descent" --- salesman
George Speiss, Jr. --- Hartford --- "German descent" --- lecturer * on War & Militarism Committee
L.lP. McGuigan --- Wilmington --- America --- clerk
District of Columbia
Julian Pierce --- Washington --- America --- State Secretary SPA * On Resolutions Committee
Franklin Pimbley --- Tampa --- America --- [???]
George White --- Jacksonville --- America --- State Secretary SPA
Mary Raoul Millis --- Atlanta --- America --- State Secretary SPA * on Constitution Committee * On Organization Committee
Elda B. Conly --- Chicago, IL --- America --- bookkeeper * On Organization Committee
C.F. Fields --- Nampa --- America --- plumber & State Secretary SPA
I.F. Stewart --- Nampa --- America --- music teacher
Barney Berlyn --- Chicago --- [Holland] --- cigar maker
John Berg --- Moline --- [???] --- machinist
Paul H. Castle --- West Frankfort --- [???] --- miner
Clarence Diehl --- Chicago --- [???] --- cigarmaker
Adolph Dreifuss --- Chicago --- Germany --- Translator-Secretary SPA
Samuel H. Holland --- Chicago --- Russia --- lawyer * On Ways and Means Committee
Robert Howe --- Chicago --- America --- clerk
John C. Kennedy --- Chicago --- America --- State Secretary SPA * on Constitution Committee
Dr. S.A. Kopnagel --- Chicago --- Russia --- physician
Victor Lindquist --- Rock Island --- America --- machinist
Duncan McDonald --- Springfield --- America --- miner * On Organization Committee
Dr. Karl Sandberg --- Chicago --- [???] --- physician
William W. Farmer --- Anderson --- America --- machinist
W.F. Jackman --- Indianapolis --- America --- paper hanger
William H. Henry --- Indianapolis --- America --- lawyer & State Secretary SPA * on Constitution Committee * On Organization Committee
Florence Wattles --- Kokomo --- [???] --- [???]
Joseph Zimmerman --- Marion --- Russia --- Organizer SPA * On Resolutions Committee
Charles T. Bowman --- Cedar Rapids --- Sweden --- boilermaker
I.S. McCrillis --- Des Moines --- America --- State Secretary SPA * On Organization Committee
Harold Metcalf --- Davenport --- [???] --- [???]
Ella Baldwin --- Kansas City --- America --- [???]
Ida A. Beloof --- Winfield --- America --- [???] * On Ways and Means Committee
George W. Kleihege --- Lawrence --- America --- [???]
Milo M. Mitchell --- Kingman --- America --- [???]
Walter J. Millard --- Newport --- [???] --- writer & lecturer * On Platform Committee * On Resolutions Committee
J.R. Jones --- Georgetown --- America --- State Secretary SPA
Desire Baker --- Fairfield --- America --- accountant
H.J.P. Enemark --- Portland --- Denmark --- shoemaker
Maynard Shipley --- Baltimore --- America --- editor * on War & Militarism Committee
S.L. Young --- Hagerstown --- America --- real estate
Victor Annalo --- Fitchburg --- Finland --- Secretary Finnish Federation SPA
Abraham Bloom --- Brockton --- [???] --- [???]
Charles E. Fenner --- Worcester --- America --- insurance agent * On Ways and Means Committee
Eugene Hough --- Newton --- America --- painter
George Makela --- Fitchburg --- Finland --- editor
Louis Marcus --- Boston --- Russia --- cigarmarker
James Oneal --- Boston --- America --- State Secretary SPA
George E. Roewer, Jr. --- Boston --- America --- lawyer (Secretary of convention)
Max H. Schulze --- Holyoake --- Germany --- editor
Frank J. Swrjala --- Fitchburg --- Finland --- editor
Elizabeth Goldstein of Massachusetts was an Assistant Secretary of the convention.
D.F. Earley --- Detroit --- America --- [???]
Edward O. Foss --- Muskegon --- Germany --- physician
H.A. Hedden --- Jackson --- [???] --- carpenter
John Keracher --- Detroit --- Scotland --- State Secretary SPA
John Kiiskila --- Hancock --- Finland --- [???]
Al Renner --- Detroit --- [???] --- [???]
Maurice Sugar --- Detroit --- America --- lawyer * On Ways and Means Committee
Robert Westfall --- Detroit --- [???] --- [???]
F.W. Adams --- Minneapolis --- England --- [???]
B.J. Lacher --- Minneapolis --- "Swiss" --- [???]
Anna A. Maley --- Minneapolis --- America --- teacher & stenographer * on Constitution Committee
Charles Rastedt --- Minneapolis --- Finland --- [???]
George Sahlman --- Cloquet --- Finland --- clothing manager
W.A. Stafford --- Minneapolis --- America --- [???]
L. Vanderbergh --- Minneapolis --- Holland --- painter & decorator\
O.M. Wassing --- Minneapolis --- America --- [???]
W.M. Brandt --- St. Louis --- America --- cigarmaker
Kate Richards O'Hare --- St. Louis --- America ---editor * Chair of War & Militarism Committee
G.A. Hoehn --- St. Louis --- Germany --- journalist
Albert F. Meissner --- Butte --- [???] --- boilermaker * On Ways and Means Committee
J.J. McElroy --- McElroy --- [???] --- [???]
G.C. Porter --- Omaha --- America --- [???]
New Hampshire
P.J. Leonard --- Concord --- Ireland ---- baker
New Jersey
Valentine Bausch --- Jersey City --- America --- [???]
George Goebel --- Newark --- America --- [???] * on Constitution Committee
Henry Green --- Newark --- Romania --- [???]
Milo C. Jones --- Newark --- America --- State Secretary SPA
Frederick Krafft --- Ridgefield --- America --- [???]
Patrick L. Quinlan --- Passaic --- Ireland --- [???] * on War & Militarism Committee
James M. Reilly --- New York City --- America --- traveling salesman
New Mexico
Walter B. Dillon --- Las Vegas --- America --- bookkeeper * on War & Militarism Committee
S. Parks --- Las Cruces --- America --- jeweler
New York
Allan L. Benson --- Yonkers --- America --- journalist & writer
Axel W. Berggren --- Jamestown --- America --- sheet metal worker
F.G. Biedenkapp --- Brooklyn --- Germany ---- [???]
Louis B. Boudin -- Brooklyn --- [Russia] --- lawyer * on War & Militarism Committee
Joseph D. Cannon --- New York --- America --- miner
Julius Gerber --- New York City --- [Riga, Latvia, Russian Empire] --- sheet metal worker
Morris Hillquit --- New York --- [Riga, Latvia] Russia --- lawyer * on War & Militarism Committee
William Hilsdorf --- Rochester --- America --- lithographer
Algernon Lee --- New York --- America --- teacher * on War & Militarism Committee
Ludwig Lore --- Brooklyn --- [Germany] --- [editor] * On Platform Committee
Max Ludlow --- New York City --- [???] --- [???]
Stephen J. Mahoney --- Buffalo --- America --- retail clerk
Charles W. Noonan --- Schenectady --- Canada --- metal polisher
[James Oneal --- New York -- America --- journalist] * On Platform Committee
Moses Oppenheimer --- New York --- [Bavaria, Germany] --- [???]
A. Pauly -- Brooklyn --- [???] --- [???]
John C. Rovitch --- Bronx --- Russia --- [???]
Fred Sander --- Syracuse --- America --- [???]
James C. Sheahan --- Albany --- America -- plasterer
Usher Solomon --- New York City --- [???] --- [???] * on Constitution Committee
North Dakota
C.C. Loomis -- Maxbass --- America --- [???]
H.R. Martinson -- Minot --- America --- [???]
L.M. Shelden --- Liston (?) --- America --- [???]
Charles Baker --- Hamilton --- America --- safe worker * On Ways and Means Committee
Willam Barnard --- Cleveland --- [???] --- [???]
Tom Clifford --- Cleveland --- America --- printer * On Resolutions Committee
Joseph Jodlbauer --- Clevland --- Austria --- [???]
Frank Midney --- Toldeo --- [???] --- [???] * on War & Militarism Committee
William Patterson --- Toledo --- [???] --- [???] * On Platform Committee
Marguerite Prevey --- Akron --- [America] --- [???] * On Resolutions Committee
C.E. Ruthenberg --- Cleveland --- America --- purchasing agent * on War & Militarism Committee
Alfred Wagenknecht --- Lakewood --- Germany --- State Secretary SPA (Assistant Secretary of convention) * On Organization Committee
Scott Wilkins --- Wapakanota (?) --- America --- real estate agent
W.N. Conley --- Allen --- America --- railroad man
J.T. Cumbie --- Lindsay --- America --- lecturer
J. Houchin --- Moore --- America --- farmer * On Organization Committee
A.T. Jones --- Sentinel --- America --- [???]
Harold L. Oder --- Dewey --- America --- repair man * On Resolutions Committee
J.A. Lewis --- Tarlequah --- America --- [???]
Minos --- Parker --- America --- [???]
E.L. Moore --- Wagoner --- America --- [???]
Russell --- Elk City --- America --- salesman
A.C. Sechrist --- Lawton --- America --- [???]
T.B. Smith --- Hominy --- America --- carpenter
S.C. Stair --- Walter --- America --- farmer
Stanwood --- Stroud --- America --- [???] * On Platform Committee
W.W. Terry --- Ringwood --- America --- [???]
Thompson --- Roll --- America --- [???]
S.L. Thurmond --- Caney --- America --- farmer
H.C. Tuttle --- Tulsa --- America --- linotype operator * On Ways and Means Committee
Leonard Johnson (ALTERNATE FOR TERRY) --- Welutka --- America --- farmer
S.W. Samplet (ALTERNATE FOR GEIST) -- America --- [???]
Victor J. McCone --- Portland --- America --- State Secretary SPA
William N. Reivo --- Astoria --- Finland --- [???]
Albert Streiff --- Portland --- America --- [???]
William Adams --- Wilkinsburg --- America --- agent
J. Mahlon Barnes --- Philadelphia --- America --- cigarmaker * On Platform Committee
Dalton T. Clarke --- Washington --- America --- [???]
Mary Garber --- Greensburg --- America --- [???]
Edward Hayden --- Mineral Point --- America --- molder
William J. Higgins --- Philadelphia --- America --- [???]
[James H. Maurer --- Reading --- America --- trade union official] * On Resolutions Committee
John R. McKeowin --- Farrell --- America --- tin worker
H.E. Myers --- York --- America --- cigarmaker * On Ways and Means Committee
Maude Ross --- Oil City --- [???] --- [???]
Henry Stump --- Pittsburgh --- America --- cigarmaker
Jane Tate --- Pittsburgh --- Engand --- teacher
C. William Thompson --- York --- America --- editor
Birch L. Wilson --- Reading --- America --- lawyer * On Resolutions Committee
Rhode Island
Joseph M. Coldwell --- Providence --- America --- shoemaker
E.W. Theinert --- Albion --- America --- farmer
South Dakota (each delegate 1/2 vote)
E.F. Atwood --- Sisseton --- America --- gardner
W.P. Butler --- Aberdeen --- America --- civil engineer
F.L. Fairchild --- Philip --- America --- farmer
I.M. Iverson --- Madison --- America --- engineer
J.R. Catton (ALTERNATE) --- Wanboy --- America --- [???]
William S. Simpson --- Cisco --- [???] --- [???]
Murray F King --- Salt Lake City --- [???] --- [???] * On Platform Committee
C.T. Stoney --- Salt Lake City --- [???] --- [???]
John Spargo --- [???] --- England --- [writer] * on War & Militarism Committee
J.C. Duke --- Richmond --- America --- [???]
S. Bonnevie --- Everett --- America --- [???]
Emil Herman --- Everett --- America --- State Secretary SPA
Laura M. House --- Spokane --- America --- [???] * On Ways and Means Committee
L.E. Katterfeld --- Seattle --- [Germany] --- [???] * on Constitution Committee
Ed Maurer --- North Yakima --- America --- business agent
Kate Sadler --- Seattle --- [???] --- [???] * on War & Militarism Committee
Joseph Thomas --- Aberdeen --- [???] --- [???] * On Platform Committee
West Virginia
G.W. Gillespie --- Huntington --- America --- [???]
M.S. Holt --- Weston --- America --- physician
Victor L. Berger --- Milwaukee --- Austria --- Editor * on War & Militarism Committee
Robert Busch --- Milwaukee --- Germany --- livery
Winfield R. Gaylord --- Milwaukee --- America --- lawyer * on Constitution Committee
Leo Krzycki --- Milwaukee --- America --- laundry
N.P. Nielsen --- Racine --- Denmark --- [???]
Emil Seidel --- Milwaukee -- America --- patternmaker
Gerrit T. Thorn --- Osh Kosh --- America --- lawyer
George E. Bateman --- Ackme --- [???] --- [???]
W.W. Paterson --- Rock Springs --- [???] --- [???]
state unknown
[Caldwell] * On Organization Committee
[Gregory ] * On Resolutions Committee
Foreign-Speaking Organizations
Josef Novak (Bohemian) --- newspaper reporter
Santeri Nuorteva (Finnish) --- editor
R. Zickmann (German) --- editor
John LaDuca (Italian) --- Translator-Secretary SPA
Max Goldfarb (Jewish) --- [???]
Theodore Breslauer (Polish) --- [???]
N. Juel Christensen (Scandinavian) --- Translator-Secretary SPA
Frank Petrich (South Slavic) --- Translator-Secretary SPA
Young People's Socialist League
William F. Kruse --- Executive Secretary YPSL
source: Document "Delegates to National Emergency Convention Held April 7th to 14th, 1917 at St. Louis, Mo." (7 pages) on Socialist Party of America Papers microfilm (Duke University), reel 6.